Wrather Thoughts

A daily journal of the thoughts, ideas, and life of Ed Wrather who is a pastor and writer of the Burning Bush Devotional www.theburningbush.net wrather@dobsonteleco.com

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Today we will have our first Tuesday prayer meeting on Thursday. We had to postpone the meeting from Tuesday because of a funeral. But hopefully we will get off to a good start today at 2:00 P.M. I believe we need to raise the level of prayer in our church and this is one very effective way of doing that. Please pray that these weekly prayer meetings will make a difference in the lives of those participating as well as those we pray for.

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

Progress is being made on the addition to our church building. It is fascinating to watch as everything comes together. More time was spent on the foundation than anything else to this point. The foundation is vitally important in our personal lives as well. With the right foundation of Jesus Christ in our lives everything else in our lives can be structually sound. However, we must remember to use the right building materials. The wood, hay and stubble just won't do! What are you building your life with?

Monday, January 07, 2002

Finally bought another computer which should arrive in a couple of weeks. Hope I made the right choice! My old Packard Bell is nearly six years old and is still making some kind of noise off and on. Had it worked on once but the noise is still there. Six years ago I would never have believed the difference the computer would make in my life and the lives of others. Not all has been good but not all has been bad either. For the most part my life has been enriched through the computer and the Internet. Mostly my life has been enriched by the countless people that I have been blessed to know through cyberspace.