Wrather Thoughts

A daily journal of the thoughts, ideas, and life of Ed Wrather who is a pastor and writer of the Burning Bush Devotional www.theburningbush.net wrather@dobsonteleco.com

Saturday, September 29, 2001

Since Thursday the revival plans have been put on hold because of the evangelist having a conflict with those dates and so now must wait until Monday to contact him about another time. I pray that we will be able to reschedule for a later date.

My sister says they may have to move to the west coast because of 20% cut in my brother-in-law's salary. The hotel business is not doing well in Florida right now. Apparently since my sister has been gone they are over medicating my mother again but not much to do about it.

I pray that God will move in the hearts and lives of those in the community in which I live so that we might have revival/spiritual awakening. Summer is gone but we are still in a summer slump and I don't remember when we had someone walk down the aisle to make a decision for the Lord. Lord please move in their hearts tomorrow and even tonight. Move in my heart. Help me so that I might be the vessel you would want me to be to speak the words you would have me to say. Bring the people to First Baptist Church of Sweetwater, Oklahoma the people that you want to be there tomorrow. Help them to be refreshed and to sense your presence and hand upon their lives. Only through Your power Lord. In Your Name Lord Jesus I ask.

Heavenly Father, I ask your help for this world. Defeat the evildoers. Empower those on the side of right. Give wisdom to our leaders. May you bless and protect this nation. Our enemies are praying to their false god that America be destroyed. We pray to you Father the only true God that you would protect us and destroy our enemies. In the precious Name of Jesus I ask.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

GROW night was productive last night and the young people went to a revival at Wheeler, Texas which appears to have touched them. Nick and I are taking my sister to OKC today to the airport so she can go back home to Miami, FL for a week or two.

Everything fell into place yesterday to have a revival beginning October 7 with Eric Chaffin who is the head of SANE (Sooner Alcohol Narcotics Education). Eric will focus on substance abuse and hopefully we will be able to reach some of our young people.

Now if I can only wake Nick up!

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Yesterday seemed like Monday with concerns about family (my mother and my father-in-law) and my church family. Billy Sutton who has lung cancer received bad news yesterday with news that the original tumor in his lung has doubled in size and two additional smaller tumors are now in that lung plus another small tumor in the other lung. The bright spot in this is that Billy is an optimist and has such a wonderful attitude. He is going to try some different chemo therapy and we pray God will bring healing.

Monday night I went to a forum on alcohol and substance abuse in our area. The problem is rampant among our young people! One woman who said she had raised her two older children in Dallas said the problem in our area was much worse with other students continually approaching her children about buying illegal substances. Three methamphetamine labs have been put out of business in a community close to ours which is only slightly larger with other labs in the area suspected. In our own community a 16 year old a few weeks ago received burns as he attempted to cook a batch of meth. Another young man was also involved. A survey of high school students in our area shows 66% have used illegal substances. 89% of those students have used alcohol. Also it was revealed that the methamphetamine now being produced is much more powerful and similar in addictive power to that of crack cocaine.

It is a great concern that the parents of these young people do not seem to be very concerned. At least very few came to the meeting. I am also concerned that there must be at some adults involved in facilitating all of this abuse. There appears to be a continued downward spiral in the morality of our young people. It may be that there is a lot of double mindedness going on (James 4:6-7). One of the members of the drug task force said that he was disturbed that in many of the searches they go on they find illegal drugs, pornography, and a picture of Jesus on the wall with an open Bible close by. It boils down to a matter of true repentance. When we ask for forgiveness do we really intend to change or do we just want our conscience to be soothed a little so that we can go on with the way we have been living. It is a question we all need to face honestly when we sin. I John 1:9 is true but it is easily abused when there is no true repentance. Romans 13:14 says that we should make no provision for sin in the KJV. Another version says we should not even think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature. If we are serious about ending our sin then we will get rid of the provisions and break off our love affair with the devil. How do we do that? Get rid of all of the illegal substances, get rid of all the materials that could be used to make illegal substances, get rid of the pornography. Then we must fill the void with the things of God such as: the Word of God, church attendance, prayer, service, etc.

Monday, September 24, 2001

It is another week and soon to be two weeks since the attack. A survey says that 7 out of 10 Americans are depressed but I think that we are not so much depressed as we are anxious. We are anxious about what is going to happen next whether something the terrorists do or something we do in the way of military action. Of course watching or reading the stories of the families torn apart by this disaster still bring the tears to our eyes and probably will for some time. A tailor in New York City after the death of John F. Kennedy posted a sign in the window of his shop which read, "Closed Due To Death In The Family." We have all had a death in the family. A death in our American family. As many nations of the world have been affected by this so has every state of the United States. There were people from Oklahoma who were killed in this attack and many who know that it was only by the grace of God that they were spared.

Yesterday was a good Sunday. A time with God is always healing. Sunday morning I talked about Facing our Fears and Sunday evening I talked about what the followers of Islam believe. Attendance was still down but we have several still gone because of illness or travel.

We wonder what is ahead for this week but know that God will carry us through whatever may be ahead. In God We Trust!!