Wrather Thoughts

A daily journal of the thoughts, ideas, and life of Ed Wrather who is a pastor and writer of the Burning Bush Devotional www.theburningbush.net wrather@dobsonteleco.com

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Numbers in Sunday School were unusually low for this time of year today. At least three families were not in attendance. But we had a good spirit in both of the worship services and God has continued to bless us. Not sure what to do about the low attendance at this point. We have tried a number of things but there is only a limited number of people in a sparsely populated rural area to reach. It is also frustrating not to see people walking down the aisles to make decisions during the invitation. But when you are preaching to long time church members it may be that there are no decisions to be made.

Good news about our building plans in that the builder is planning to begin work the last part of the month. This next week water and gas lines are being rerouted and some of the materials have already been ordered by the lumber company. It may be that the building will generate some enthusiasm and even positively affect attendance. I talked to the deacons about possibly making a commitment to spend one day a week fasting for revival/spiritual awakening. Our level of prayer must increase before we will see a breakthrough spiritually.

Jeanie brought work home and is still working. Not sure how long she can continue to work as hard as she does. It is a continual pressure upon us but the Lord continues to sustain. Only through His power!


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