Wrather Thoughts

A daily journal of the thoughts, ideas, and life of Ed Wrather who is a pastor and writer of the Burning Bush Devotional www.theburningbush.net wrather@dobsonteleco.com

Monday, December 03, 2001

Well, I'm back! The last few weeks have been difficult with Billy being close to death and dying a week ago Sunday morning. His funeral was last Wednesday.

Church Sunday was good with better attendance. No decisions but a good spirit.

Ronnie Floyd's book has inspired me and I was up at five this morning. Actually woke up before my alarm went off and felt refreshed. Spent about an hour praying and going through memory verses. Thirty minutes of that time was walking around the sanctuary while praying. Then spent another hour reading Bible and devotional books. A wonderful time with the Lord!! I would recommend it to everyone.


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